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    تعلم الكتابه على الكيبورد بشكل سريع Rapid Typing Tutor 5.0.101 Final

    Rapid Typing Tutor 5.0.101 Final Rapid Typing Tutor can help you to learn touch typing through a series of lesson that include exercises to learn individual letters,numbers and symbols as well as a series of text exercises. A virtual keyboard is displayed below the text to be typed...
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    برنامج تسجيل الصوتيات من الكتابه والالعاب والفيديو بسهوله Hanso Recorder 3.5.0

    Hanso Recorder 3.5.0 Hanso Recorder is an efficient application that can extract audio files from TV sounds or Internet radio, being able to save them on your computer with ease. By using Hanso Recorder you are able to perform a wide range of sound tasks such as converting...
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    برنامج الكتابه على الفيديوهات ووضع العلامات المائيه Video Watermark Pro 5.1

    Video Watermark Pro 5.1 INFO Video Watermark Software focus on protecting and watermarking your video file. Did you worried your video will be unauthorized using and sharing, When people watching your video, do you want to let viewers know the videos source? You may need to...