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    برنامج وضع الحقوق والعلامات المائيه على الصور TSR Watermark Image Software v3.4.2.2

    TSR Watermark Image Software v3.4.2.2 If you want to watermark your photos, you can use either text or another picture as the source of the watermark. If you want to add the watermark to the background, you can set the logo or the text to be more or less transparent, and place it...
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    برنامج وضع العلامات المائيه والحقوق على الصور Star Watermark Ultimate 1.1.7 Final

    Star Watermark Ultimate 1.1.7 Final Star Watermark for Windows is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to watermark your images, photos and graphics. Star Watermark is an essential tool for anyone with a digital camera, professionals and beginners or graphic artist on Windows.With the...
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    برنامج وضع الشعارات المائيه على الصور TSR Watermark Image Software

    TSR Watermark Image Software If you want to watermark your photos, you can use either text or another picture as the source of the watermark. If you want to add the watermark to the background, you can set the logo or the text to be more or less transparent, and place it...
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    برنامج الكتابه على الفيديوهات ووضع العلامات المائيه Video Watermark Pro 5.1

    Video Watermark Pro 5.1 INFO Video Watermark Software focus on protecting and watermarking your video file. Did you worried your video will be unauthorized using and sharing, When people watching your video, do you want to let viewers know the videos source? You may need to...