
  1. طارق جبور

    No End in Sight for Greece Crisis: Analyst

    "Although there seems to be some signs of movement on a bigger, and hopefully better, European bailout, all you can say about the Greece crisis is that it is still ongoing," Nick Carn, founder of Carn Macro Advisors, told CNBC. more...
  2. طارق جبور

    Market 'Roller Coaster' To Continue Amid Euro-Zone Fears: Analyst

    Until the market in general "feels calmer about the euro zone this sort of roller coaster ride is likely to go on for a while," John Raymond, senior analyst-European banks at CreditSights Limited, told CNBC Tuesday. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    Oil Prices to Keep Rising in 2011: Analyst

  4. طارق جبور

    UK Heading For Downgrade: Analyst

    The UK's credit rating is four notches too high at present, and should be downgraded to A+, John Hydeskov, senior analyst at Danskebank, told CNBC. The analyst predicted that the UK would be formally downgraded in 2012, as a result of falling real growth and rising national debt. more...
  5. طارق جبور

    Don't Bet on 'Bernanke Put': Analyst

    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is unlikely to announce a third round of quantitative easing in his Jackson Hole speech this afternoon, Tony Fratto, the director of Hamilton Place Strategies, a public policy research firm, told CNBC. more...
  6. طارق جبور

    Banks No Better Than in March '08: Analyst

    Banks are in no better shape than they were in March 2008, Riccardo Ronco, technical analyst at Aviate Global, told CNBC. He suggested they still faced severe funding problems and that "things will get worse before they get better". more...
  7. طارق جبور

    Japanese Currency Action 'Sensible': Analyst

    The Japanese government's unconventional plans to minimize the effect of a rising yen on its businesses did not stop the currency from rising against the dollar again Wednesday. more...
  8. طارق جبور

    It's 'Only Just Begun,' S&P Fair Value 800-900: Analyst

    Markets are just beginning to price in the "new normal" of weak growth and a lack of credible policy responses, according longtime bear Bob Janjuah, co-head of cross-asset allocation strategy at Nomura. more...
  9. طارق جبور

    Greek Crisis Now Worse, Not Better: Analyst

    On July 21, EU leaders agreed to a second bailout for Greece, one that was supposed to draw a line under the euro zone debt crisis and give the new government in Athens a chance come to grips with the huge debts it inherited when it was elected. One month later, and the situation appears to be...
  10. طارق جبور

    No Way to 'Divorce' From Euro: Analyst

    "The euro was a marriage but no one told us exactly what we'd actually end up in and what were the divorce proceedings," Tim Skeet, managing director at RBS told CNBC. "The answer is that no one's thought that through and I think we have to believe in this marriage," he added. more...
  11. طارق جبور

    US Debt Deal 'Doesn't Reduce Debt': Analyst

    "The debt deal has basically punted the whole problem into the future... and it doesn't really reduce the debt. What is does is it slows the trajectory of growth," Philippa Malmgren, president and founder of Principalis Asset Management told CNBC. "From an investor point of view, you don't see...
  12. طارق جبور

    As Growth in China Slows, Will US Recover?: Analyst

    "Forty percent of the commodities in the world are being consumed each year by the Chinese to produce about 9.4 percent of the world's GDP, so you've got the most inefficient use of commodities going on there in history," Bill Smead, CEO of Smead Capital Management told CNBC. "We think...
  13. طارق جبور

    'Patience is an Asset': Analyst

    "You don't need to be fully invested at all times and why would you want to be invested right now?" Pedro De Noronha, managing director at Noster Capital told CNBC. "It's much better to just move to the sidelines and wait and see what's going to happen," he added. more...
  14. طارق جبور

    Manufacturing Stocks 'Buying Opportunity' If Market Slips on Debt Talks: Analyst

    As the U.S.' Aug. 2 deadline looms to reach a deal to raise the debt ceiling, three analysts told CNBC Friday there are still buying opportunities if the market dips on worries over the shaky debt talks. more...
  15. طارق جبور

    Market Correlations at 'Nosebleed Levels': Analyst

    The current political turmoil may put technical levels for stocks at risk, Philippe Gijsels, the head of research at BNP Paribas Fortis Global Markets in Brussels, told in an interview Thursday. more...
  16. طارق جبور

    Central Banks May Intervene to Weaken Yen: Analyst

    As the yen continues to strengthen, a number of Japanese officials in recent days have been warning the market about one-sided moves. One analyst says yen intervention is a distinct possibility, and could be carried out on a global scale, if the market were to experiece a sudden sell-off in the...
  17. طارق جبور

    1950’s-Style Taxation in US Calls for 1950's-Style Spending: Analyst

    As the debate over raising the debt ceiling in the United States lurches onward, one analyst tells CNBC that if America wants to keep taxing its people like it's the 1950’s, it will need to significantly cut back on spending. more...
  18. طارق جبور

    Crisis of Confidence in Merkel and Trichet: Analyst

    Since the euro zone debt crisis began, disagreements between the German Chancellor and the head of the European Central Bank have hampered attempts to find a lasting solution, analysts have said. more...
  19. طارق جبور

    Markets Fear Fresh Banking Crisis: Analyst

    European banking stocks fell sharply Tuesday, with Unicredit and Deutsche Bank among the top losers, on fears that sovereign debt crises in peripheral euro zone countries might spread into the continent's larger economies and trigger a more widespread banking crisis. more...
  20. طارق جبور

    Culture of Bailouts to Boost Gold Stocks: Analyst

    As Greece stands on the cusp of another bailout, one analyst says the fix is likely to be only temporary and he expects other Euro-zone countries to also require new rounds of funding. He believes the region's economic uncertainty will further weaken the Euro *and boost gold prices. more...