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    البرنامج الرهيب لعمل صور وافلام الانمى والرسوم المتحركه Anime Studio Pro v10.1.1

    Anime Studio Pro v10.1.1 Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame animation. The intuitive and affordable feature set offers a solution to traditional animation tasks that are not available anywhere else at...
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    برنامج تصميم الكارتون والصور ثلاثى الابعاد Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro 10.0

    SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro 10.0 Final Features: • NEW! Automatic Image Tracing converts your artwork to fully editable, ready-to-animate vector drawings • NEW! When imported images, movies and audio files are edited in external programs (includinglayered Photoshop files)...