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    اداه مجانيه لتحميل الفيديوهات من اليوتيوب باقصى سرعه MassTube v12.9.2.311

    MassTube v12.9.2.311 any-image.com/images/70420493779148261413.png هو أداة مجانية لتحميل ملفات الفيديو من يوتيوب وحفظه إلى محرك القرص الثابت حمل من هنا mediafire.com/?a5zwfo11aygg8ns datafilehost.com/d/89bad7c1 المرجع softpedia.com/get/Internet/Download-Managers/MassTube.shtml
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    اداه مجانيه لتحميل الفيديوهات من اليوتيوب باقصى سرعه MassTube

    MassTube Mass Tube is a small software utility designed to help users grab their favorite video files from YouTube in the easiest way possible. Aesthetically, it is not very impressive as it sports a simplistic interface and only a few options for downloading videos. This...
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    برنامج MassFaces لتحميل الفيديوهات من الفيس بوك باقصى سرعه

    MassFaces A user-friendly software solution that can help you download videos from your own Facebook timeline or from your friends timeline. MassFaces is an intuitive application that comes in handy when you want to effortlessly grab Facebook videos from your own...
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    برنامج تحميل الملفات باقصي سرعه EagleGet

    EagleGet EagleGet is a free universal download accelerator. EagleGet not only downloads video from popular online video websites, but also support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS and RTSP protocol. Comparing to the integrated downloader in your web browser, the dedicated downloader...
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    برنامج NiceCopier 14.02.03 Final لنسخ الملفات باقصي سرعه

    NiceCopier 14.02.03 Final INFO NiceCopier is a simple, easy-to-use and handy instrument designed to replace the Windows Explorer file copy. This application adds many features like pausing, resuming and it calculates the best copy speed. Its main goal is to improve the copy...