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    برنامج اخفاء الملفات وحمايتها بباسوورد قوى SecretFolder 3.2 Final

    SecretFolder 3.2 Final SecretFolder enables you to hide and password protect selected folders, so that they cannot be seen or accessed by other users. Once you run the application and have set a master password, you can simply drag and drop folders onto the list and they will be...
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    برنامج تشفير الملفات وحفظها بباسوورد Hide Folders 5.1 Build

    Hide Folders 5.1 Build Hide Folders 5 is an innovative software application which enables you to password protect all the private information on your hard drive. You can make your files and folders inaccessible, invisible or protect them from modification. The protected...
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    برنامج قفل الملفات بباسوورد GiliSoft File Lock Pro 8.6.0

    GiliSoft File Lock Pro 8.6.0 GiliSoft File Lock Pro is a power file encryption software program that can quickly and safely lock and hide files, folder,and drives,and it can use 256-bit AES encryption (Encryption Standard Adopted by the US Government) to protect your files located...