
  1. طارق جبور

    The Dollar Gets a Boost From US Energy Boom

    Growing U.S. energy independence, a stronger economy, and foreign inflows are turning the dollar into a growth currency. more...
  2. طارق جبور

    Zloty Boost Punishes Speculators: Economist

    Mateusz Szczurek, CEE chief economist at ING, told CNBC that the Polish central bank had justified its decision to prop-up the zloty on the grounds that it needed to "punish speculators". more...
  3. طارق جبور

    IMF Chief's Plan To Boost Global Growth

    Europe's debt crisis has worsened and the world economy has entered into a dangerous new zone, says Christine LaGarde, IMF managing director. CNBC's Maria Bartiromo asks LaGarde why she is focusing on short-term measures. more...
  4. طارق جبور

    Japan Yen Deal Boost for Economy: Currency Strategist

    "As far as I can see, this deal is specifically aimed at providing support for companies that have suffered through the strength of the yen. That seems a far more sensible thing to do then actually try and take on the strength of the yen itself," Simon Derrick, chief currency strategist at BNY...
  5. طارق جبور

    Use Aid for EU Governments to Boost Banks as Well?

    A viewer tweeted me last week (@louisabojesen) saying "Don't phone lines exist between Berlin and Paris? Why was the face-to-face meeting necessary between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel?" more...
  6. طارق جبور

    Scrap Maternity Leave, Boost Growth: UK Advisor

    Steve Hilton, David Cameron’s enigmatic strategy director, has startled colleagues by proposing the abolition of maternity leave and all consumer rights legislation, as part of an initiative to inject life into Britain’s sluggish economy, the FT reported. more...
  7. طارق جبور

    Wednesday Look Ahead: Why the Services Data is Unlikely to Boost Stocks

    The Institute for Supply Management's non-manufacturing survey is the data to watch Wednesday, but the post-holiday stock market doldrums could prevail if the report on the services sector is as expected. more...
  8. طارق جبور

    Culture of Bailouts to Boost Gold Stocks: Analyst

    As Greece stands on the cusp of another bailout, one analyst says the fix is likely to be only temporary and he expects other Euro-zone countries to also require new rounds of funding. He believes the region's economic uncertainty will further weaken the Euro *and boost gold prices. more...
  9. طارق جبور

    Greek Reshuffle Fails to Boost Confidence: Officials

    Greece's hasty cabinet reshuffle has failed to boost confidence both domestically and internationally in the ability of the Greeks to help themselves out of the deepening debt crisis, Konstantinos Michalos, president, Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, told CNBC Friday. more...
  10. طارق جبور

    Gossip and Rolling News Boost Twitter

    Use of the internet-based messaging service Twitter is soaring, particularly from smartphones, according to new surveys and company executives, reported the FT. more...
  11. طارق جبور

    Euro Rises, Strong German, French GDP Boost*

    The euro rose against the dollar on Friday after strong growth data in France and Germany bolstered speculation that a healthy euro zone economy would keep interest rates in the region higher than U.S. ones. more...