
  1. طارق جبور

    EMs suffering from high dollar cost: Pro

    Adam Myers, European head of FX strategy at Credit Agricole CIB, says the cost of dollar funding, on which many emerging markets rely, is going up and this is causing the sell-off in emerging market currencies. more...
  2. طارق جبور

    Santelli eyes cost of funding swaps

    CNBC's Rick Santelli takes a look at why the disappointing durable goods number may contain some encouraging data, and why investors should pay attention to inter-currency relationships. more...
  3. أ

    للبيع:Samsung Note 3 cost $400usd, CHAT 24HRS: 275DD6E1

    Brand new unlocked Blackberry Phones original WITH SPECIAL PIN. Contact for Prices BBM CHAT 24HRS: 275DD6E1 Brand new Playstation 4 (Ps4) cost 350 dollar Brand new Blackberry Porsche design 24ct Gold Edition Apple iphone 5, 5c, 5s, 16gb, 32gb, 64gb 24ct GOLD Samsung s4 cost 400 doallr...
  4. طارق جبور

    Hedging Still an Effective Tool in Smoothing Company's Cost Structure

    While derivatives themselves carry risks and financial scandals have tarnished their image, many companies still use futures contracts, swaps, collars, and other hedging instruments to minimize volatility in their cost of doing business. more...
  5. طارق جبور

    Leaving Euro Would Cost Each German €8,000: UBS

    The cost to Germany of leaving the euro could reach €8,000 for each adult and child in the country and spell disaster for the global economy, according to economists at UBS. more...
  6. طارق جبور

    Australia's Cost of Living a Brewing Political Storm

    Australia's economy may be the envy of debt-laden Europe and the United States but the rising cost of living in Australia, with Sydney alone one of the world's most expensive cities, is a brewing political storm for Prime Minister Julia Gillard. more...
  7. طارق جبور

    Violence Cost World Economy $8.1 Trillion: Research

    The lack of world peace affects the economy by trapping productivity and removing vital resources, according to an international research institute which also put the cost of global violence at $8.1 trillion last year. more...