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    تطبيق (LEO Privacy Guard) حامي الخصوصية

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم هل تريد حماية خصوصيتك على الهاتف من تطفل الأصدقاء وقراءة المسجات و الدخول الى سجل المكالمات الخاصة بك هل سأمت من فضول الأصدقاء و الدخول الى معرض الصور أو مقاطع الفيديو خاصتك هل مللت من عبث الأطفال بهاتفك بل هناك اكثر من ذلك مع التطبيق الأفضل و الموثوق و الذي يحمي...
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    برنامج حماية وقفل الملفات Master Guard 1.0

    Master Guard 1.0 Master Guard is a data security solution for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista (including their 32 and 64 bit variants). Master Guard is the most comprehensive solution for data security available on the Internet. It lets you lock, hide and protect files...
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    احمى شبكة الواى فاى من الهاكرز مع برنامج SoftPerfect WiFi Guard 1.0.5

    SoftPerfect WiFi Guard 1.0.5 SoftPerfect WiFi Guard is an essential tool for everyone running a small Wi-Fi network and striving to keep it secure. Generally, modern WiFi networks are well protected, but there are a number of weaknesses that can compromise your WiFi password; this...
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    برنامج WiFi Guard 1.0.4 لحمايه وتأمين شبكه الواي فاي الخاصه بك

    SoftPerfect WiFi Guard 1.0.4 SoftPerfect WiFi Guard is an essential tool for everyone running a small WiFi network and striving to keep it secure. Generally, modern WiFi networks are well protected, but there is a number of weaknesses that can compromise your WiFi password; this...
  5. طارق جبور

    Gasoline Futures Slide As Refiners, Coast Guard Monitor Hurricane

    Gasoline futures have been lower all morning after surging to the highest price in three and a half weeks on Thursday on hurricane fears. more...