
  1. D

    نموذج (Inverted Head & Shoulders) على GBP-AUD

    نموذج (Inverted Head & Shoulders) على GBP-AUD كون زوج GBP-AUD نموذج الراس والكتفين على فريم الساعه ننتظر اختراق خط العنق واعادة الاختبار لتاكيد الشراء والله اعلى واعلم نقطة الدخول والهدف موضح على الشارت
  2. طارق جبور

    Greece Euro Exit Can't Be Ruled Out: German CSU Head

    The leader of Germany's Christian Social Union, one of three ruling parties in Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right coalition, was quoted on Wednesday as saying he could not rule out Greece leaving the euro zone. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    Dollar Investors Head for the Exits

    Debt woes hit the dollar - again - and Asian currencies lift off. Time for your daily FX Fix. more...
  4. طارق جبور

    'Too Many Cooks' in Euro Debt Crisis: OECD Head

    Finding a solution to the euro zone crisis is such a complex task that investors, as well as many citizens of the European Union, have grown disgruntled with attempts to sort out the debt. more...