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    برنامج وضع باسوورد للفلاشات لحماية ملفاتك Kakasoft USB Security

    Kakasoft USB Security Kakasoft USB Security well protects your sensitive information in USB drives with the strongest encryption technique. This USB disk security program ensures comprehensive data security of your confidential data on your USB flash drives and protects...
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    برنامج قفل و حماية الملفات والمجلدات بكلمة سر Kakasoft Folder Protector 6.30

    Kakasoft Folder Protector 6.30 Info Kakasoft Folder Protector is a portable password protection application that helps users to protect folders, files or drives on a Windows computer. It uses industry standard 256-bit on-the-fly AES Encryption technology to encrypt your folders...