
  1. طارق جبور

    تحميل برنامج snagit12 لتصوير الشاشة والفيديوهات والكتابه على الشارت

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله SnagIt احد أشهر وأفضل برامج في مجال انشاء الشروحات برنامج متمكن جداً من ناحية ألتقاط الصور والفيديو وانشاء شروحات بكل سهولة برنامج لايستغنى عنه الكثير لعدة اسباب سهولة تعامل مع البرنامج انشاء شروحات بطريقة مبسطة يمتكلك محرر قوي للصور تجد به كل الأمكانيات الرائعة التي سوف...
  2. K

    برنامج لتصوير الشاشة بكافة الصيغ وعمل الشروحات Ashampoo Snap 8.0.2

    Ashampoo Snap 8.0.2 Ashampoo Snap 8 will revolutionize the way you make, edit and share snaps and videos of your screen content! This program allows you to easily take screenshots of various regions, websites, or even specific windows on your desktop with just a few clicks. In...
  3. K

    البرنامج الرائع لتصوير الشاشه وعمل الشروحات TechSmith Camtasia Studio 8.5.0

    TechSmith Camtasia Studio 8.5.0 Build 1954 Camtasia Studio is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high-quality screen video on the Web, CD-ROM and portable media players, including iPod. With support for a variety of video standards, you can ensure...
  4. K

    برنامج لتصوير الشاشة وعمل الشروحات وغيرها Ashampoo Snap 7.0.10 Final

    Ashampoo Snap 7.0.10 Final Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture...
  5. K

    برنامج لتصوير الشاشة و اخذ سكرين شوت Snagit 12.2.2 Build 2088

    Snagit 12.2.2 Build 2088 Techsmith Snagit - The award-winning screen-capture software. Using SnagIt, you can select and capture anything on your screen, then easily add text, arrows, or effects, and save the capture to a file or share it immediately by e-mail or IM. Capture and...
  6. K

    برنامج لتصوير الشاشة بكافة الصيغ وعمل الشروحات وغيرها Ashampoo Snap 7.0.9

    Ashampoo Snap 7.0.9 Final Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for...
  7. K

    برنامج لتصوير الشاشة وعمل الشروحات وغيرها Ashampoo Snap 7.0.8

    Ashampoo Snap 7.0.8 Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for...
  8. K

    البرنامج العملاق لتصوير الشاشة و اخذ سكرين شوتSnagit 12.0.0 Build 1001

    Snagit 12.0.0 Build 1001 Techsmith Snagit - The award-winning screen-capture software. Using SnagIt, you can select and capture anything on your screen, then easily add text, arrows, or effects, and save the capture to a file or share it immediately by e-mail or IM. Capture and...
  9. K

    البرنامج الرائع لتصوير الشاشة بكافة الصيغ وعمل الشروحات وغيرها Ashampoo Snap 7.0.7

    Ashampoo Snap 7.0.7 Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for...
  10. K

    البرنامج الرائع لتصوير الشاشة وعمل الشروحات وغيرها Ashampoo Snap 7.0.7

    Ashampoo Snap 7.0.7 Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for...
  11. K

    البرنامج لتصوير الشاشة و اخذ سكرين شوتSnagit 12.0.0 Build 1001

    Snagit 12.0.0 Build 1001 Techsmith Snagit - The award-winning screen-capture software. Using SnagIt, you can select and capture anything on your screen, then easily add text, arrows, or effects, and save the capture to a file or share it immediately by e-mail or IM. Capture and...
  12. K

    برنامج لتصوير الشاشة وعمل الشروحات Ashampoo Snap 7.0.6

    Ashampoo Snap 7.0.6 Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for...
  13. K

    برنامج لتصوير الشاشة وعمل الشروحات Ashampoo Snap 7.0.5

    Ashampoo Snap 7.0.5 Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for...
  14. K

    البرنامج Techsmith Snagit لتصوير الشاشة و اخذ سكرين شوت

    Techsmith Snagit The ultimate screen capture tool! With Snagit’s capture, edit, organize and share technology it’s easy to create engaging visuals that grab attention and keep it. Let images do the talking for you. Snagit will help you capture any image you want...
  15. K

    برنامج Techsmith SnagIt 11.4.1 Build 195 لتصوير الشاشة و اخذ سكرين شوت

    Techsmith SnagIt 11.4.1 Build 195 The ultimate screen capture tool! With Snagit’s capture, edit, organize and share technology it’s easy to create engaging visuals that grab attention and keep it. Let images do the talking for you. Snagit will help you capture any image you...
  16. K

    البرنامج العملاق Techsmith Snagit لتصوير الشاشة و اخذ سكرين شوت

    Techsmith Snagit The ultimate screen capture tool! With Snagit’s capture, edit, organize and share technology it’s easy to create engaging visuals that grab attention and keep it. Let images do the talking for you. Snagit will help you capture any image you want...
  17. AbuJmel

    برنامج snagit لتصوير التشارت

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم برنامج snagit للتصوير والكتابه انا ارفقت البرنامج بسبب طلب بعض الاعضاء لمعرفة كيف الكتابة على التشارت طبعا البرنامج كامل كل ماعليك بعد تنزيل البرنامج هو ان تضغط على كبسة print screen sysrq وتصور التشارت وتكتب عليه الي عاوزه البرنامج بالمرفقات