
  1. م / حسام سري

    [دعوة عامة الورشـــــة تتحـــــدث]~®§(Analysis Currencies and metals )§®¤*~

    و به نستعين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبي الهدى المصطفى الأمين وعلى آله واصحبه أجمعين وبعد يسعدني أن أكتب في هذا الورشة كل ما يخص من :- * تحليلات و توصيات / العملات & المعادن . * احدث الاخبار و التقارير اليومية . الذي تتناول كثيراً من التحليلات...
  2. طارق جبور

    Trade of the day: Sell precious metals?

    How do you make money in these markets? Here is what some of the experts have been saying to CNBC. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    Commodities Tomorrow: Oil, metals both lower

    CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis discusses the day's activity in the commodities markets and looks at where oil and precious metals are likely headed tomorrow. more...
  4. طارق جبور

    Commodities Tomorrow: Dollar eased, metals move higher

    CNBC's Bertha coombs discusses the day's activity in the commodities markets and looks at where oil and precious metals are likely headed tomorrow. more...
  5. طارق جبور

    Making Money in Metals

    A risk adjusted trade on the volatile metals market, with John Lekas, Leader Capital CEO, and Chris Kichurchak, Strategic Wealth Partners. more...