
  1. طارق جبور

    Rep. Boehner One-On-One

    I think there are parts of the President's jobs plan where we can find some common ground, say House majority leader, John Boehner discussing the similarities and differences in his plan to put Americans back to work and the White House plan. more...
  2. طارق جبور

    Bob Diamond One-On-One

    It is not wise to introduce a financial tax in Europe now, says Robert Diamond, Barclays PLC CEO. A look at Europe's debt struggle and it's impact on the financial industry. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    Jim Rogers One-on-One

    Jim Rogers, Rogers Holdings chairman/CEO discussing the economy, rising debt, China's growth prospects and oil prices. more...
  4. طارق جبور

    One-on-One with Thomas Hoenig

    He’s a straight-shooting, hard-money, free market central banker—an unusual combination. Hoenig is also a man of integrity who dissents from the FOMC so clearly in his disagreement with ultra-easy money. Incidentally, he believes that Too-Big-To-Fail and “Bailout Nation” are moving America away...
  5. طارق جبور

    One-on-One with Nancy Pelosi

    Earlier today, I had the pleasure of interviewing former Speaker and now House Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi. We’ve had several interviews down through the years. And while we’ve disagreed on a number of topics, I do have enormous personal respect for her. more...