
  1. طارق جبور

    China Says Policies Legal After US Challenge on Chicken Duties

    The United States said on Tuesday it was challenging steep Chinese duties on U.S. poultry products that Beijing imposed after the United States raised barriers to imports of Chinese chickens and tires. more...
  2. طارق جبور

    Policies to Blame for 'Complicated Markets'?

    "The market is naturally impatient whereas politicians look at the longer term and they have to coordinate with everybody else, so that makes matters terribly complicated," Mikio Kumada, executive director at LGT Capital Management told CNBC. "The major big adjustment is that all the developed...
  3. طارق جبور

    Fed's Easing Policies Now Keeping Rates Low

    Interest rates are heading lower, counter to what many in the bond market thought might happen as the Fed reaches the end of its quantitative easing program. more...