
  1. طارق جبور

    Moody's 'Out of Its Mind,' Ratings Action 'Absurd': Bove

    Moody's downgrade of three major banks on the premise the U.S. government will not stand behind them if they fail is "absurd," said Rochdale Securities analyst Dick Bove. more...
  2. طارق جبور

    Fed Grades UK & France Ratings

    CNBC's Steve Liesman reveals that the Fed rates France and the UK's credit rating even lower than the US despite having retained their ratings by S&P. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    No 'Immediate Ratings Risk' in France: Strategist

    "We think there's a big difference in the current situation in France than that which caused the downgrade in the U.S.," Mark Schofield, global head of interest rate strategy at Citi, told CNBC. "We don't think there's an immediate ratings risk, and I think any further ratings action will be...
  4. طارق جبور

    US Debt Deal Not Enough to Avert Ratings Downgrade

    Jens Lauschke, Interest Rate Economist at DBS Group Research, says that the US debt deal will remove uncertainties from markets but it is not substantial enough to avert a possible rating downgrade and he maintains a negative outlook on the US dollar. more...
  5. طارق جبور

    Peripherals Rise on Rescue Plan, Greek Ratings in Limbo

    Prices for Greek, Irish and Portuguese bonds jumped and the cost of insuring their debt tumbled on Friday as euro zone leaders agreed on a second rescue package for Greece. more...
  6. طارق جبور

    Ratings Agencies on Watch

    Ratings agencies. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, these pros say. more...