
  1. mohammad-k

    S&p تخفض تصنيف الاتحاد الأوروبي بعد انفصال بريطانيا

    خفضت وكالة "ستاندرد آند بورز" تصنيفها الائتماني للاتحاد الأوروبي، مشيرة إلى القلق بشأن وحدة التكتل بعد قرار بريطانيا الخروج من الاتحاد، لكنها أبقت على نظرتها المستقبلية مستقرة. وخفضت "ستاندرد آند بورز" تصنيفها الائتماني للاتحاد الأوروبي من (AA+) إلى (AA)، قائلة في بيان إنها "أعادت تقييم رأيها...
  2. وسام الصباغ

    تعرف على مؤشر ستاندرد آند بورز s&p

    ما هو مؤشر ستاندرد آند بورز S&P؟ يقيس مؤشر ستاندرد آند بورز نشاط أكبر وأقوى الشركات الرئيسية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وقد جاءت تسمية هذا المؤشر نسبة إلى منظمة ستاندرد آند بورز للخدمات المالية والتي مهمتها الإشراف على المؤشرات الرئيسية العالمية وتوفير التحليلات المالية لها، وتعمل هذه...
  3. طارق جبور

    S&P raises Portugal's credit outlook

    Valentin Marinov, director of FX strategy at Citi, says ratings agencies are "behind the curve" after S&P raised Portugal's credit outlook to stable from negative. more...
  4. طارق جبور

    Expert sees 10% return on S&P this year

    Boris Schlossberg, BK Asset Management; Ed Keon, Quantitative Management Associates, and Krishna Guha, ISI Group, discuss the strong euro, the play on the Japanese yen and whether the markets are fairly valued. more...
  5. طارق جبور

    Krake: S&P 500 to rally another 15% by mid-2014

    Paul Krake, Founder, View from the Peak: Macro Strategies explains why he sees more steam left in the S&P 500 rally. more...
  6. طارق جبور

    S&P Cuts Italy's Rating One Notch, Outlook Negative

    Standard and Poor's cut its unsolicited ratings on Italy by one notch, warning of a deteriorating growth outlook and damaging political uncertainty, in a move that took markets by surprise and added to pressure on the debt-stressed euro zone. more...
  7. طارق جبور

    Impact of S&P Downgrade on Italy

    Vasu Menon, VP of wealth management at OCBC Bank says Italy's lack of political willpower to execute austerity measures is the reason behind the downgrades. more...
  8. طارق جبور

    S&P Downgrades Italy

    S&P strikes Italy with a downgrade, siting high debt and low-growth prospects, with Richard Medley, RHM Global CEO, and Andrew Busch, BMO Capital Markets. more...
  9. طارق جبور

    CNBC Fed Survey: S&P 500 Outlook

    CNBC's Steve Liesman reveals what those polled think about the Fed's current monetary policy and where they see the S&P 500 headed. more...
  10. طارق جبور

    It's 'Only Just Begun,' S&P Fair Value 800-900: Analyst

    Markets are just beginning to price in the "new normal" of weak growth and a lack of credible policy responses, according longtime bear Bob Janjuah, co-head of cross-asset allocation strategy at Nomura. more...
  11. طارق جبور

    S&P Credibility on the Line

    The SEC is reviewing whether the ratings company complied with its own procedures and polices when it downgraded U.S. credit. Discussing whether the U.S. deserves a triple A rating, with Harvey Pitt, Kalorama Partners CEO, and Byron Wein, Blackstone Advisory Partners vice chairman. more...
  12. طارق جبور

    SEC Makes S&P Downgrade Inquiries

    The Securities and Exchange Commission has asked Standard & Poor’s to disclose who within its ranks knew of its decision to downgrade US debt before it was announced last week, the FT reports. more...
  13. طارق جبور

    S&P U.S. Downgrade Will Hurt Dollar More Than Bonds: Gundlach

    S&P is *worried about "what you're going to get in terms of the payback is going to worth a lot less, Gundlach said. "But that is not their job." more...
  14. طارق جبور

    Buffett: US Rating Still AAA, No Matter What S&P Says

    Warren Buffett says there's no question that the United States' debt is still AAA and that he's not changing his mind about Treasurys based on S&P's downgrade. more...
  15. طارق جبور

    S&P Explains US Downgrade

    David Beers, Standard & Poor's head of government debt rating unit, explains why S&P downgraded the United States' credit rating from AAA to AA+. Veteran investor Jim Rogers also weighs in. more...
  16. طارق جبور

    Bullion at All Time Highs After S&P Downgrade

    U.S. gold futures and cash bullion struck records on Monday as investors dumped riskier assets after the United States lost its top-tier AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's in an unprecedented blow to the world's largest economy. more...
  17. طارق جبور

    Chance of US Downgrade Even With Ceiling Agreement: S&P

    The risk that the United States will lose its AAA credit rating in the next three months has risen considerably, even if lawmakers reach an agreement to raise the country's debt ceiling later this month, an S&P official said on Thursday. more...
  18. طارق جبور

    S&P Warns of US Downgrade if No Debt Deal Reached

    Ratings agency Standard & Poor's has warned there is a one-in-two chance it could cut the United States' prized triple-A rating if a deal on raising the government's debt ceiling is not agreed soon.* more...
  19. طارق جبور

    Gold Edges Up After S&P Warning, Technicals Weak

    Spot gold held steady on Tuesday, after a warning by ratings agency Standard & Poor's that it would treat plans for a rollover of privately-held Greek debt as a selective default, underpinning safe haven demand for bullion. more...
  20. طارق جبور

    Halftime: Is S&P Making a Meaningful Reversal?

    Is strength in the stock market on Wednesday a bullish signal or is the action nothing more than short covering as the market slides lower? more...