
  1. طارق جبور

    Weakened yen inflating stock market: Pro

    Adam Myers, European head of FX strategy at Credit Agricole, says the weakened yen is not helping the country's exports, but is causing inflation in the country's stock market. more...
  2. طارق جبور

    Turnaround in Turkish stock market

    CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera reports the details of a statement made by Turkey's central bank. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    Current stock market vs. 1929

    Thomas DeMark, DeMark Analytics founder & CEO, compares the current stock market to the 1929 market, and weighs in on the Shanghai composite. CNBC's Rick Santelli provides insight. more...
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    أسواق الأسهم Stock market

    أسواق الأسهم Stock market وهي أكثر الأسواق شهرة وأكثرها قدماً وأسواق الأسهم بكل بساطة هي البورصات التي يتم فيها بيع وشراء أسهم الشركات . تتم العملية أساساً بأن تقوم بفتح حساب لدى شركة وساطة مالية brokerage , ثم تقوم باختيار سهم شركة ما على أساس أنك تتوقع أن سعر أسهمها سترتفع بعد فترة من...
  5. طارق جبور

    Bearish on Asian Stock Market

    Mathew Kaleel, co-founder and portfolio manager at H3 Global Advisors, talks about why investing in Asian equities amidst global debt crisis is risky. more...
  6. طارق جبور

    Tactical Defense Is Best Strategy for Volatile Stock Market

    Money managers say take tax losses in cyclical sectors that suffer the most in a bear market and invest the proceeds in more defensive sectors, such as health care and consumer staples. more...
  7. طارق جبور

    South Korea Posts August Capital Outflows on Stock Selloff

    South Korea continued to log capital outflows from its financial account in August on massive foreign stock selling, although the current account surplus widened from the prior month on strong exports, central bank data showed on Thursday. more...
  8. طارق جبور

    Trading Russia's Stock Rally

    How to play big changes at the Kremlin, with Tim Seymour, more...
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    كتب Truth of the Stock Tape by William D. Gann

    باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته كتاب Truth of the Stock Tape by William D. Gann التحميل سبحان الله ******** التحميل الله ******** التحميل الله أكبر ******** التحميل لا اله الا الله
  10. M


    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ; كتاب WD.GANN Truth of the Stock Tape التحميل
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    كتاب the w.d. Gann master stock market course

    باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته كتاب THE W.D. GANN MASTER STOCK MARKET COURSE التحميل ما شاء الله
  12. طارق جبور

    Economy Needs Help From the Stock Market and Washington

    The economy is increasingly at risk of falling into recession, and could be more so if the stock market doesn't find its sea legs sometime soon. more...
  13. طارق جبور

    China Banking Stock Sell-Off No Surprise

    "The sell-off in Chinese banking stocks is not too surprising in the sense that most of the news recently has been either neutral or negative on the banks," Phillip Chan, director at Shenyin Wanguo Securities, told CNBC. more...
  14. طارق جبور

    London Stock Exchange Income Jumps 14%

    The London Stock Exchange ((LSE) reported a "strong increase" in income of 14 percent increase for the first quarter of 2011 on the previous year to 190.2 million pounds ($306.5 million) with primary markets revenue up 22 percent. more...
  15. طارق جبور

    London Stock Exchange Open to Nasdaq Approach

    The London Stock Exchange would be open to considering a merger of equals with Nasdaq OMX, the US exchange operator, in the first sign that the British bourse could yet turn its attention to securing its future in another big merger after its attempted tie-up with Canada’s TMX Group collapsed...
  16. طارق جبور

    Europe Stock Market Is 'Too Cheap,' Analysts Say

    Another volcanic ash cloud threatening European airspace, a threat to downgrade Belgium's credit rating and Moody's warning that it could cut UK banks' credit ratings did not make for pretty reading for investors Tuesday. more...