
  1. mohammad-k

    تركيا تخفف مجددا إجراءات مكافحة كورونا

    أنقرة (رويترز) - خففت تركيا من جديد الإجراءات التي تهدف للحد من انتشار فيروس كورونا يوم الاثنين بتحركات شملت رفع جانب من العزل العام الذي يُفرض في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع وفتح المطاعم أمام عدد محدود من الزبائن. وقال الرئيس رجب طيب أردوغان إن تخفيف الإجراءات، نتيجة تراجع أعداد الإصابات، سيسري بدءا من...
  2. طارق جبور

    Turkey's lira hits 5-week low as protests worsen

    Turkey's lira fell to its weakest level in five weeks on Wednesday after protests broke out across the country. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    Turkey central bank hikes interest rates

    The Turkish lira continues to weaken after its central bank made massive rate hikes, reports CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera. more...
  4. طارق جبور

    Turkey makes huge rate move

    CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera breaks down the surprising interest rate move made by the Turkish central bank to address lira concerns. more...
  5. طارق جبور

    Deeper political insatiability in Turkey: Expert

    Discussing emerging market turmoil and the Fed's decision to trim bond purchases by another $10 billion, with CNBC's Michelle-Caruso Cabrera and Ken Rogoff, Harvard University, professor of public policy and economics. more...
  6. طارق جبور

    Turkey's massive rate hike

    CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera reports the business community in Turkey is desperate for stability in the currency there. more...
  7. طارق جبور

    Will Turkey's move stem the EM outflow?

    Ed Ponsi, Managing Director at Barchetta Capital Management says Turkey's massive rate hike is the right thing to do but it won't calm nerves across the emerging market spectrum. more...
  8. طارق جبور

    Yen skids, Aussie rallies as Turkey delivers big rate hikes

    Japan's yen extended its pullback early on Wednesday. more...
  9. طارق جبور

    Turkey holds emergency central bank meeting

    Turkey's central bank is under enormous pressure to not raise interest rates, reports CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera. more...
  10. طارق جبور

    Turkey expected to hike interest rates

    CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera reports Turkey's central bank has called an emergency meeting to deal with interest rate pressure. more...
  11. طارق جبور

    Emerging threat: Turkey & Argentina in trouble

    Turkey and Argentina are dealing with high interest rates and plummeting currencies. CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera discusses how their governments are dealing with currency problems. more...
  12. طارق جبور

    Hit to emerging markets; Invest in Turkey?

    What the Finance Minister of Turkey had to say about the country's economy, and how to play the problems in emerging markets, with Sammy Simnegar, Fidelity portfolio manager, and Geoff Dennis, UBS head of global e.m. equity strategy. more...
  13. طارق جبور

    In Europe, Fear, in Turkey, Cheers

    Everybody's worried about the euro zone, but Turkey gets some good news — it's time for your FX Fix. more...
  14. طارق جبور

    Japan Does What it Threatened, Turkey Surprises

    Japan acts to take the yen lower and Turkey resets everything — time for your central bank FX Fix. more...
  15. طارق جبور

    How to Use Currencies to Trade Turkey's Election

    Turkey's economy has been on a tear, but this election may mark a turning point for the lira. Here's how to trade it. more...
  16. طارق جبور

    How to Use Currencies to Trade Turkey's Hot Growth

    Turkey is growing fast, as is inflation there- and that's all good for the Turkish lira, these traders say. more...