إفتح حسابك مع شركة XM  برعاية عرب اف اكس
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  1. K

    برنامج مشاركه الملفات في الشبكه والعثور علي بيانات المستخدمين MyLanViewer 4.18.7

    MyLanViewer 4.18.7 MyLanViewer is a simple LAN scanner for your home network. It displays your network computers an easy to read, buddy-list style window that provides the machine names, IP addresses, MAC addresses, shared resources and other technical details for each computer...
  2. K

    برنامج تنظيم وترتيب الملفات فى جهازك والعثور عليها بسهوله WinCatalog 2014 9.0.1

    WinCatalog 2014 9.0.1 WinCatalog 2013 Makes Managing Huge Collections Much Easier. WinCatalog 2013 indexes discs, files and folders for finding files and data without having to reach for the original CD or DVD. Stop wasting time looking for a tune or movie stored on a hundred’s...