The dollar languished near a two-month low against the yen in Asia on Wednesday and stayed close to a recent eight-month trough on a currency basket.
The economy is increasingly at risk of falling into recession, and could be more so if the stock market doesn't find its sea legs sometime soon.
Debt talks will again dominate Tuesday, as markets increasingly worry political cat fighting will lead to a weak deficit reduction deal, causing the U.S. to lose its top-notch credit rating.
The economic data in the US is heading south and investors are beginning to question whether the Federal Reserve will extend its asset-buying program beyond the end of the month.
هذا الموقع يستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط (الكوكيز ) للمساعدة في تخصيص المحتوى وتخصيص تجربتك والحفاظ على تسجيل دخولك إذا قمت بالتسجيل.
من خلال الاستمرار في استخدام هذا الموقع، فإنك توافق على استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط.