شركة الباري ارجوا الافادة ....؟


عضو نشيط
أرض الله
وصلتني هذه الرسالة قبل قليل من شركة الباري
This email contains important information.

Dear Sir/Madam
Alpari (UK) Limited – in Special Administration (the ‘Company’)
Joint Special Administrators – Samantha Bewick, Richard Heis and Mark Firmin

The proposals for the special administration are available to view and download at www.kpmg.com/uk/alpari.
We are convening a meeting of creditors and clients in order to seek approval of our proposals and to decide whether to establish a Creditors’ Committee comprising representatives of creditors and clients. The meeting will be held at Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London, SW1H 9NH on 12 March 2015 at 11:00am.
In view of the large number of clients and creditors, in accordance with Rule 297 of The Investment Bank Special Administration (England and Wales) Rules 2011, certain statutory documents are being made available electronically. The following documents can be viewed and downloaded from www.kpmg.com/uk/alpari (“the Website”):

  • The Joint Special Administrators’ Proposals;
  • Formal notice convening the meeting of creditors and clients;
  • Retail Client statement of claim form;
  • Retail Client proxy form;
  • Creditor and Introducing Broker statement of claim form;
  • Professional Client statement of claim form; and
  • Creditor, Professional Client and Introducing Broker proxy form.
(together “the Documents”).
If you require a hard copy of the Documents, please:

  • Telephone +44 (0) 333 202 1397;
  • Email alpariukclaims@kpmg.co.uk;
  • Write to: Alpari (UK) Limited (in Special Administration), c/o KPMG LLP, 8 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8BB.
In order to vote, clients and creditors must have either submitted a statement of claim form or, if access has been allowed, agreed their balance(s) on the Claims Portal (see details below). This must be received by 12 noon on 11 March 2015 in order to be counted.
The Special Administrators will be sending the majority of clients (who had cash balances at 9.00 GMT on 15 January 2015 and entered no further trades) an email over the coming days with access details to the Claims Portal. This will allow those clients to view their statement as at 19 January 2015. A client’s agreement to their claim in the Claims Portal will be accepted for both voting purposes at the Initial Meeting (therefore there is no need for those clients to submit a statement of claim) and any distribution(s) from the Special Administration.
For those clients who have not received an email and do not have access to the Claims Portal, claimants will be permitted to submit claims on an estimated basis which may include the last statement that you received. Please note that submitting an estimated claim for voting purposes is not an agreement of your claim for any other purpose. If you are unable to determine your claim value with any certainty, the Special Administrators request that you submit an estimated claim for voting purposes and submit a formal claim for distribution purposes at a later date.
If you submit a statement of claim and then agree your claim via the Claims Portal prior to 12.00 noon on 11 March 2015, please note that your agreement to your claim in the Claims Portal will supersede your statement of claim. Your agreement to your claim in the Claims Portal will then be used for both voting purposes at the Initial Meeting and any distribution(s) from the Special Administration.
Any proxies that are intended to be used must be submitted to me by the date of the meeting. Please refer to Appendix 6 of the proposals, being further information regarding the initial meeting of clients and creditors and the voting process as well as for assistance regarding completion of the relevant claim and proxy form.
For further information regarding the Documents, please see the frequently asked questions on the Website. If you have any queries, please contact us using the details given above.
Yours faithfully
For Alpari (UK) Limited – in Special Administration
Samantha Bewick
Joint Special Administrator

Mark Granville Firmin, Richard Heis and Samantha Rae Bewick were appointed as joint special administrators of Alpari (UK) Limited on 19 January 2015.
The affairs, business and property of Alpari (UK) Limited are being managed by the joint special administrators who contract as agents of Alpari (UK) Limited without personal liability.
Mark Granville Firmin, Richard Heis and Samantha Rae Bewick are authorised to act as insolvency practitioners by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Alpari (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA reference number 448002. Registered in England No. 05284142. Registered Office: 8 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8BB.

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