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    برنامج لصيانة الويندوز وتحسين أداء الجهاز Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.60

    Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.60 Final Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11 – the tuning specialist for your PC. We all like fast and secure computers, but only constant system maintenance and time-consuming optimizations will keep them that way. Those of us who like to invest time and effort...
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    اروع واحدث ثيم لويندوز 7 و 8 لتغيير شكل الجهاز بالكامل Iron Man 3 Theme

    Iron Man 3 Theme for Windows 7 and Windows 8 Screens Windows 7 Screens Windows 8 For windows 7 : 8 MB megauplaod DOWNLOAD MediaFree DOWNLOAD filedwon DOWNLOAD Turbobit DOWNLOAD up07 DOWNLOAD letitbit DOWNLOAD For windows 8 : 13 MB...
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    برنامج DriverMax 7.48 للبحث عن التعريفات الجهاز وتحديثها تلقائيآ

    DriverMax 7.48 DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the...
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    برنامج Prey 1.3.5 Final لقفل الجهاز ومنع الاخرين من تفتيشه والعبث به

    Prey 1.3.5 Final Prey lets you keep track and find your laptop, phone and tablet whenever stolen or missing – easily and all in one place. It’s lightweight, open source software that gives you full and remote control, 24/7. You can quickly find out what the thief looks like...
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    عملاق صيانة الجهاز وتسريعه واصلاح الاخطاء Advanced SystemCare Pro

    Advanced SystemCare Pro Advanced SystemCare PRO Edition The World’s Top System Utility for Superior PC Health. Advanced SystemCare PRO (formerly Advanced WindowsCare Professional) provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware...
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    عملاق تنظيف الجهاز بشكل دوري وسريع CCleaner Professional 5.01.5075 Final

    CCleaner Professional 5.01.5075 Final CCleaner a utility for cleaning the debris in the operating system. In the course of their work CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is looking for and removes unused files. These include: cookies, history, visiting sites in IE, temporary Internet files...
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    عملاق تنظيف الجهاز بشكل دوري وسريع CCleaner Professional 5.01.5075 Final

    CCleaner Professional 5.01.5075 Final CCleaner a utility for cleaning the debris in the operating system. In the course of their work CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is looking for and removes unused files. These include: cookies, history, visiting sites in IE, temporary Internet files...
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    عملاق تنظيف الجهاز وتسريعه CCleaner Professional Plus 5.00.5050

    CCleaner Professional Plus 5.00.5050 CCleaner a utility for cleaning the debris in the operating system. In the course of their work CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is looking for and removes unused files. These include: ******s, history, visiting sites in IE, temporary Internet files...
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    افضل واصغر برنامج صيانة شامل لعلاج كل مشاكل الجهاز WinTools.net 14.3.1

    WinTools.net 14.3.1 WinTools.net - suite of tools for optimization of the operating system Windows. The program includes components for the complete removal of unwanted programs and "dead" links the registry, and to control processes, system settings, internet connections and...
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    اقوى اداة للتخلص من فيروس الاوتورن من الجهاز والفلاشات AntiRun 2.7 Pro

    AntiRun 2.7 Pro Antirun - autorun virus protection. Protect your PC and external devices from viruses, which spread via removable media. SIZE: 1 MB Mediafire DOWNLOAD Megauplaod DOWNLOAD Filedwon DOWNLOAD Up07 DOWNLOAD Letitbit DOWNLOAD...
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    برنامج تحديث تعريفات الجهاز وجلبها بسهوله Auslogics Driver Updater

    Auslogics Driver Updater Driver Updater will check your computer for potential driver problems, give you a report on outdated or missing drivers it detects, and let you quickly update them to the latest manufacturer-recommended versions. You may have hardware or...
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    برنامج لفحص الجهاز وازالة الفيروسات Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 11 12.06.2014

    Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 11 12.06.2014 Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is a utility designed to remove all types of threats from computers. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool uses the effective detection algorithms realized in Kaspersky Anti-Virus and AVZ. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool...
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    برنامج البحث عن التعريفات وحفظها على الجهاز Driver Reviver

    Driver Reviver The Driver Reviver application will scan one of the worlds largest Driver databases quickly and will identify 100% of all consumer hardware devices enabling you to download the latest drivers straight to your PC. With Driver Reviver, all your peripherals...
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    البرنامج الرائع لصيانة الويندوز وتحسين أداء الجهاز Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.50

    Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.50 Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11 is the ultimate virtual service technician to clean, optimize and protect your PC. Use Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 to make your PC faster and more responsive, clean and declutter your system, fix and repair common Windows errors...
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    عملاق تنظيف الجهاز بشكل دوري وسريع CCleaner 5.00.5050 Final Professional

    CCleaner 5.00.5050 Final Professional CCleaner a utility for cleaning the debris in the operating system. In the course of their work CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is looking for and removes unused files. These include: cookkies, history, visiting sites in IE, temporary Internet files...
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    برنامج Wise Auto Shutdown 1.43.71 لقفل وفتح الجهاز اوتوماتيكيآ

    Wise Auto Shutdown 1.43.71 By Wise Auto Shutdown you can easily schedule your computer to shut down, log off, restart, sleep, and close power at any time you want (daily, at a specified time, or some time later). After you start the task, Wise Auto Shutdown will run in the...
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    برنامج تسريع وتنظيف الجهاز PC Shower Pro 2014 v1.6 build 22022014

    PC Shower Pro 2014 v1.6 build 22022014 PC Shower 2014 is power package All-in-one application for cleaning, tuning, optimizing and fixing PC errors for high performance more than other System utilities. Improved cleaning, troubleshooting && optimizing your Windowsآ® PC, laptop...
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    عملاق حفظ و تجميد الجهاز Deep Freeze Enterprise فى اخر اصداره

    Deep Freeze Enterprise Deep Freeze instantly protects and preserves baseline computer configurations. No matter what changes a user makes to a workstation, simply restart to eradicate all changes and reset the computer to its original state – right down to the last...
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    برنامج تنظيف الجهاز وتسريعه Wise Registry Cleaner 8.26.541

    Wise Registry Cleaner 8.26.541 Wise Registry Cleaner can locate and correct problems in the Windows registry, such as missing references to shared DLLs, unused registration entries for file extensions, and missing referenced application paths. Wise Registry Cleaner can also mark...
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    برنامج لتسريع وتحسين الجهاز 360 Total Security باخر تحديثات

    360 Total Security 360 Total Security includes an antivirus scanner, a cleanup tool and a startup booster, all wrapped nicely with an intuitive GUI. Provides comprehensive protection against the latest security threats with a triple virus detection engine and so much...